Daily Photos

< June 2024 >

June 1, 2024
I went to the bank (and stayed in the car). I went to the grocery (and stayed in the car). I dug up an old face mask, circa 2020. I stayed inside and watched it rain. And I did a lot of coughing and sniffling.

June 2, 2024
These barn swallows didn`t seem happy to see me. I don`t have hay fever this year. The finest in poultry portraiture (see July 15, 2022). I managed to avoid getting rained on. Crawling around the ground at Possum Creek Farm.

June 3, 2024
I went out for a morning walk. It was a beautiful spring morning. A lot of money went into this brand new charter school. Dayton:  The Place Where the Rivers Meet. Never cross a goose.

June 4, 2024
This hawk was minding its own business, but was then harassed by a squadron of little birds until it flew away. Well, maybe a decade later it`s possible to say that. Everything that Cruises Must Converge. Go sit in the corner. My first experience with Japanese chocolate was satisfying.

June 5, 2024
Sweet sparrow, sing a stirring song of springtime. I`m not sure if anything I`ve ever accomplished is as important as what the insects do. I didn`t want to take another day of city photos. You think I can`t see you? This is the only easy photo I took today.

June 6, 2024
There`s always a skipper here (see May 16, 2024). There`s always a dragonfly here (see May 16, 2024). Maybe there`s always a tiny praying mantis here, but I`ve never noticed it before. As I took this at 9:55am, there was a `smash cake` photo shoot going on nearby.  The baby was still sleepy. It looks like a fireworks show.

June 7, 2024
It`s splashing season at RiverScape MetroPark. He`s a good boy -- or, police officer. I`ll admit this was an impressive costume. I enjoy walking to work.  I enjoy walking home even more. This is why I always carry a camera with me.

June 8, 2024
Work continues on the Oregon Distric Memorial (see May 29, 2024). Plants in synergy. Large bee. Small bee. I had time today to read some fine literature.

June 9, 2024
A grass skipper with just a touch of iridescence. Plants in synergy. A hawk receives helpful advice from smaller birds about where to relocate (see June 4 above). Among the Paths to Eden. The underappreciated pollinator.

June 10, 2024
This bike path alongside the river is part of a yet-to-be-completed cross country bicycle route. A mellow mallard. Flag Day is coming up this Friday. In this part of the country, we`ve got plenty of water. Laying the foundation for a memorial (see June 8 above).

June 11, 2024
There`s an art to parking in the city, and not everyone is good at art. If you have to work outside, today was the perfect day. Another random act of patriotism (see June 10 above). A city dweller like me. As I took a picture of these complex lines at the library, someone walked out and said `I`m not camera ready.`

June 12, 2024
They`re close now, but families drift apart. How to stay cool on a hot afternoon. I have a thing for redheads. One apostle or another. Basically a rat with a bushy tail.

June 13, 2024
Festivities under a railroad bridge. There`s plenty of room for luggage in this plane. There`s a right way and a wrong way to photograph a trombonist.  Would I show you the wrong way? Maybe this is my third place. Make note:  this is a Sousaphone, not a tuba.

June 14, 2024
It`s motorcycle season in the Oregon District. Lots of bad luck represented here. I stood in the hot sun and waited for a bug. It was a productive day, but I had little time for photos. I sometimes go to extreme lengths to get that fifth photo.

June 15, 2024
I appear to be a good photographer by getting talented people to do impressive things in front of my camera. She jumped in the sun while I sat in the shade. Rocks and broken glass, and she`s barefoot. Zoe and I spent the afternoon getting some air. Bonus:  a reflection of myself sitting on the pavement.

June 16, 2024
Big progress is being made (see June 10 above). Yesterday all of these metal pieces were laid out in their proper places at the library. They`re all clearly labeled to help simplify the process of reassembling them at the site. There`s a color-coded diagram to keep things straight. But still, it took a lot of work in the hot sun to put the thing together.

June 17, 2024
I have the opportunity to photograph Dayton Dance Initiative rehearsals again this year (see June 29, 2023). I just try to stay out of the way while the dancers do amazing things. The best part of the day was hearing the dancers and choreographers talk about the meaning of each dance. DDI performers put their show together in just a month. I look forward to seeing the full production next week.

June 18, 2024
Concrete was poured into the site yesterday while I was photographing dancers (see June 16 above). The memorial site is close to where I live, so I walk over in the early morning before it gets hot and sunny. I`m not the only person documenting the installation. There`s going to be a bench here.  This is a large project. Terry Welker has it under control (see March 12, 2021).

June 19, 2024
8:53am. It`s all about the details. Sometimes it`s hard to envision the AFTER from the BEFORE pictures. The fresh concrete needs to be tweaked a bit. 6:16pm.

June 20, 2024
My daily update on the memorial installation. There`s still an enormous amount of work ahead. There`s a clear shiny surface on the ginko leaves that looks like rainwater. The reason why my parking garage hasn`t collapsed yet. My longheld assumptions about shadows at noon on the summer solstice are being challenged.

June 21, 2024
I went outside early in the morning before it got too hot. A certain park cut down certain trees, so I`ve had fewer encounters with goldfinches this year. My big camera and big lens cost big money, but they allow me to get pictures like this from a long distance. The bee doesn`t realize it`s a pollinator.  It`s just thirsty. Great spangled fritillary!

June 22, 2024
If they can play soccer in the sun when it`s 93 degrees, then I can stand there and take pictures of them doing it. I had ice water in my camera bag. When the ball goes in the goal, it makes one person very happy and another person very unhappy. The home team defended their goal quite well. The visiting team was not so successful.

June 23, 2024
This team has had little to celebrate so far this season. They had lost all their games and scored only one goal. But today they took an early lead and held onto it. She made this save and others, and saved the game. Congratulations to the Dayton Dutch Lions!

June 24, 2024
The Oregon District memorial is a complicated project. Fortunately, it`s being undertaken by skilled people. Remember the mosaics from February 29, 2024? A lot of progress was made today.  A lot of work ahead. Did I mention there`s also going to be a bench?

June 25, 2024
They were out here working while I was still in bed. People will walk over this installation and have no idea how much effort it took to create. Terry Welker is one of the artists creating this work. Terry Welker knows how to use the tools of a sculptor. Observing this process has been beneficial for me.

June 26, 2024
Organization is better than disarray. The eye in the sky. A few days ago in the Dayton Daily News, I saw a photo like this taken by Jim Witmer.  I stole his idea. I`ve seen the light. Renovations are underway.

June 27, 2024
`Bodies and Faces` choreographed by Fara Ling and performed by Dayton Dance Initiative. `WhaleFall` choreographed by KC Lyphout and performed by Dayton Dance Initiative. `Conditional Osmosis` choreographed by Natalie Nagy and performed by Dayton Dance Initiative. `Gestalt` choreographed by Stevie Lamblin and performed by Dayton Dance Initiative. `(Re)Construct` choreographed by Countess V. Winfrey and performed by Dayton Dance Initiative.

June 28, 2024
Random acts of affection. Somewhere on earth, this is always happening. Squirrel lunch. Evangelists descend upon the Oregon District with a guitar and flag. The perhaps-too-trusting guitarist left her things behind while she went off to evangelize.

June 29, 2024
There can be only one King Bumble. Survival of the fittest. We were both surprised to see each other this close. Red 184, Green 68, Blue 40. An elusive hummingbird moth appeared and I was done.

June 30, 2024
This juvenile robin was just outside the nest, but not ready to fly. Bunny wasn`t scared of me, and had no reason to be. Ya gotta get down in the wet grass for a shot like this. This bumblebee was flapping its wings -- not to fly, but dry them out. Perfection is elusive, but I come close sometimes.