Daily Photos

< July 2024 >

July 1, 2024
Everybody should have a Discover Classical t-shirt. I don`t understand why strangers ask me to take their photo (see July 24, 2023). There`s lots of room for interpretation in this photo. Dunbar`s face has been defaced (see August 2, 2022). I`m so lucky I`m able to walk to work instead of drive.

July 2, 2024
Hey, nice bike! Cars driving by me on both sides.  I don`t care. I came across a mural in progress.  Now I need to get here when the artist is working (see August 10, 2022). Other people`s photo shoots. Margaritaville, Ohio.

July 3, 2024
Accidents happen. Only one duckling?  That`s not right. I`m sure people came to the wrong place for fireworks. Someone else has a birthday, I get cookies. These aren`t official fireworks from the city of Dayton.

July 4, 2024
Patriotic people participate in a pleasant parade. I suggested that we inflate his costume with helium and float him above the parade. Are they the same dogs year after year (see July 4, 2023)? Firefighters do a lot of community outreach. After this, we had hot dogs and baked beans.

July 5, 2024
Umvikeli G. Scott Jones has composed a set of Six Suites for Solo Instrument and Rhythm Section. I had the opportunity to observe the first rehearsal. It`s been a long time since I`ve heard Mike Wade play (see March 4, 2010). Jim Leslie provided rhythm in the rhythm section. The music had space for improvisation, and Willie Morris filled the space skillfully.

July 6, 2024
I`ve had the opportunity to take some excellent portraits this year. We spent the day trying to stay out of direct sunlight. I asked if she wanted to take pictures in the city and she said, `I`m more of a nature girl.` This moment was interrupted by a marauding bumblebee. Now I know how Bruce McBroom felt when he took the famous poster photo of Farrah Fawcett in 1976.

July 7, 2024
Tonight was the premiere of Umvikeli G. Scott Jones` Six Suites for Solo Instrument and Rhythm Section. The ensemble included some outstanding jazz musicians from the Dayton area (see July 5 above). Linda Landis was impressive on the trombone. Mike Wade blessed us with his flugelhorn. The music was inspired by six Black residents of Dayton, some of whom were in attendance at the concert.

July 8, 2024
Where I used to live and what my pictures looked like. I didn`t even use my good camera or my good lens. I wonder what these are, and why people plant them. I had a picture of a squirrel jumping into a tree, but it was blurry -- so you get another bee instead. And then I got home and discovered people on the roof.

July 9, 2024
This church steeple is still being repaired (see November 8, 2023). The pastor came by and told me the whole thing needs to come down and it weighs many many many tons. The guardian of Main Street. I took notes during the staff meeting.  The person sitting next to me did this. The obstacle course I drive through to get home.

July 10, 2024
I walk to work most of the time now and hardly use the parking garage.  I haven`t missed it. On the street where I work, the sidewalk is populated by musicians, actors and dancers. We`re dealing with the remnants of a hurricane. The filthy spooky vacant lot near where I work. Be grateful you have a place to live.

July 11, 2024
It was a frustrating day migrating from an old laptop to a new one.  Planned obsolescence should be outlawed. Other people`s photo shoots. They arrived at the library just as I did. I`m shocked this place has been cleaned up since yesterday (see July 10 above). Work on the mosaic continues (see June 25, 2024).

July 12, 2024
This morning it was just me and the birds (and one fisherman). Geese on patrol. The garden was abuzz with activity. I turned off the flash for this, since certain bugs detect it instantaneously and they fly away.  How is that possible? This was a difficult shot, but I`ve got the perception, skills and camera equipment needed to make it happen.

July 13, 2024
Andy Snow discusses his photographs on display at The Contemporary Dayton (see May 17, 2024). Ron Rollins moderated an artist talk with Andy today. The gallery was full of people who appreciate Andy. The show is on display for a few more weeks. This spot is normally a lot more crowded when I`m here.

July 14, 2024
I thought this rusty 1960 Edsel was a junk car, but then somebody got in, noisily started it up and drove away. Yellow Springs:  where garbage cans are works of art. I like the Oregon District, but Yellow Springs is cool too. In 11th grade, I beat the science teacher who led the school chess club.  It has all been downhill since then. Life is just one big THRILL RIDE.

July 15, 2024
I got too close and it showed me its cottontail. When I put on the macro lens, good things happen. Of course when I`m using the macro lens, something like this happens and I wish I had the telephoto lens. A macro lens reveals the secrets of nature. I enjoy mornings with birds, beasts, bugs and blooms.

July 16, 2024
After going through some radical renovations last year, the neighborhood gazebo is looking good. As I walk to and from work, I pass by this leafy area where a red squirrel lives. We are all on a pilgrimage to be loved.  SIERRA LEONE When things get stormy, it`s important to stay grounded. What should I write in the wet concrete?

July 17, 2024
There was lots of dancing on Courthouse Square today. I escaped radio duties for a while so I could take photos. Wright State students performed in their off season. She`s still airborne (see June 15, 2024). There were other forms of art being practiced today.

July 18, 2024
Whistle a Happy Tune. Getting to Know You. I Have Dreamed. Small House of Uncle Thomas. Shall We Dance.

July 19, 2024
Musicians are generous people. It was a beautiful night for an outdoor concert. I almost got beaded. I like trumpet pictures.  And trumpet music is good too. Last seen here on July 9, 2022.

July 20, 2024
I taught a photo workshop today in a beautiful park. There were lots of frogs and turtles in the pond. Sometimes it`s best to use a flash for nature photos. Keep your camera`s ISO at its lowest possible setting. This is the place to get your prom pictures taken.

July 21, 2024
The closer you look, the more interesting it becomes. I went out early and was the only human in the garden. But I wasn`t alone in the garden. The most precious thing on Earth. Sometimes it`s hard to get started on Sunday mornings.

July 22, 2024
Or not.  I drove to work today since it`s supposed to rain. While walking home, I saw someone who looked like me. What has changed since July 16 above? Reflections on the Oregon District. `Mom!  Isn`t dinner ready yet?`

July 23, 2024
Now I see why the red squirrel lives here (see July 16 above).  There`s a steady rain of bird seed falling down. How I feel after work sometimes. Graffiti is a sign of true love. `Is that a 35mm camera?  I used to have a Canon film camera long ago.  I love to get pictures of birds in flight.` Duck, duck, deuce.

July 24, 2024
Urban landscape. The Mosaic Institute is at it again (see June 24 and 25, 2024). I didn`t go to a park, but I found some flowers. The water was running and the birds came running. I don`t eat apples, but I chug apple juice.

July 25, 2024
I was told this sculpture would be lifted into place at 6:30am.  I got there at 7am and the crane hadn`t arrived. This is the really tricky part. There`s nothing more persuasive than a big hammer. A team of artists is responsible for this installation. The Seed of Life will be dedicated on August 4.

July 26, 2024
Celtic culture is alive and well in Dayton, Ohio. I hate it when people march along with the parade, but I was definitely that guy tonight so I could get this shot. There are several Irish dancing groups in the area and they take turns performing at the Celtic Festival. When I play on my fiddle in Dooney, folk dance like a wave of the sea. WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS Traditional Irish garb?

July 27, 2024
I`d rather go to a local horse show than the Olympics. This is one of those sports where I really don`t know what`s going on and it affects my ability to get photos. A little horse in a big hurry. Events like this represent a huge amount of work -- for other people.  I just show up and start taking pictures. This was the shot of the day, and I envisioned it 20 minutes before it happened.

July 28, 2024
Let`s pretend I got this shot on purpose.  I was tall and true all of 6 foot 2 til they broke me across my back. By a name I`m known that is not my own, for they call me crooked Jack. DOMINIC BEHAN Very large, very calm. He had a good life. The emcee told the audience, `This festival is brought to you by the number 10 and the color green.`

July 29, 2024
One of the offbeat characters in my parking garage. All kinds of danger here. It was in better condition when Vivaldi used to play it. Art or vandalism? My first time slicing a mango.  I didn`t cut myself, but the amount of fruit doesn`t seem worth it.

July 30, 2024
It isn`t pretty, but it`s home for a little bird. Assignment:  write a short story about why this is here. This new line dance is very popular. Life is a solitary journey. Gulls just wanna have fun.

July 31, 2024
The endless construction project across the street. When construction workers park in the crosswalk, pedestrians have to take their chances in the street. Jobs I Wouldn`t Want to Have No. 147. Minding my own business, almost run over on the street. Come see me at the Dayton Metro Library on Saturday during Art in the City and you could pick up a free CD.