Daily Photos

< May 2024 >

May 1, 2024
I`m still haunted by visions of color guard. KCOD YREVILED `The Lion King` is back again.  Again. It was warmish/hot today, so I tried to stay in the shade. You may dig wintertime, but spring is my joy. JON HENDRICKS (with help from CLIFFORD BROWN)

May 2, 2024
Some people are constantly outraged. The Levitt season hasn`t started.  This was a preview. Dayton, Ohio:  The Land of Funk. The Luv Locz Experiment put on a great show tonight. I`m looking forward to another season at the Levitt.

May 3, 2024
IT`S FRIIIDAAAAYYYYYY!!! She had the unenviable task of telling other people`s little kids to `Wait your turn` to get a picture with the mascot. Margaritaville, Ohio. An art gallery has an exhibition about dancers -- and some real dancers to go along with it (members of Dayton Dance Initiative). I managed to take some good photos without spilling my plate of cookies.

May 4, 2024
Hands making music. Hands making music. Hands making music. Hands making music. Hands making music.

May 5, 2024
The Kettering Children`s Choir filled the house. Who doesn`t like a good song about pirates? Warming up before the performance. Amanda Roberts was named the National Hammered Dulcimer Champion. I`ve photographed KCC singers since they were kids, and now some have kids of their own.

May 6, 2024
I guess I won`t be walking that way. Nature is sometimes orderly -- and sometimes messy. Talking things over. As I wandered around this tree, people in a nearby office could see me through the window. I stand on this corner every day, but fortunately not when some idiot driver drove up onto the sidewalk.

May 7, 2024
Great balls of flower. It`s all about scale.  Large and small are relative. Spring is my thing. Future frogs. I had to get down in the mud for this, but it was worth it.

May 8, 2024
It has rained a lot lately. Urban wildlife. Dunno what that yellow slime is, but don`t drink it. Beautiful work.  It rained that night, and it washed away. Making room for a memorial (see February 29, 2024).

May 9, 2024
Somewhere in America. An entertainment hotspot in downtown Dayton. Leap fearlessly toward your destiny. You missed a spot. Somewhere else in America.

May 10, 2024
Fish should beware that sharply pointed bill. The color purple. The eternal struggle between worms and robins. Don`t look at me:  I have no idea what it is. I normally see chipmunks here, but I`ll take a bird.

May 11, 2024
This picture was inevitable (see May 1 above). There was only one of her. Somebody walked past and asked her:  `Model?` I like this shiny building. She even makes a parking garage look good.

May 12, 2024
I used to park in this lot when it was full of potholes. The neighborhood gathering spot I knew is gone forever (see May 8 above). There was gunfire in my neighborhood again, so an eye in the sky has appeared (see September 22, 2023). I take a lot of dull flower photos before I get a good one. Just another Sunday night standing in the sun, getting sweaty, taking bee photos in front of someone`s house.

May 13, 2024
Boy in a box. I love cheese curls. No matter where you are, somebody may be watching. On the walk home. A venerable old tree had to die to make way for the Oregon District memorial (see May 8 above).

May 14, 2024
An optimist sees trees. A pessimist sees broken glass. Food pictures at 7:40pm are desperate pictures. Time to replace my threadbare French blue oxford shirt. I now wear a small, apparently, due to vanity sizing. Choir concert photos ready to send (see May 5 above).

May 15, 2024
This city was named after Jonathan Dayton, who never once set foot here. Literally growing out the sidewalk. The sphere landed, the little people came toward me, and I woke up the next day. I got a little wet taking this picture. And now for something completely different.

May 16, 2024
The morning buzz. Self-portrait in a bubble. I fully expected to see a skipper on this plant. I fully expected to see a dragonfly on this plant. I did not expect to see a caterpillar on this plant.

May 17, 2024
Today I learned a new term:  hostile landscaping. I find it hard to believe that modern civilization is better than living in caves or the jungle. Dayton`s greatest photographer, Andy Snow, has an exhibition at The Contemporary (see May 8, 2008). They had no papers and had to be detained. Nothing much now, but just wait (see May 13 above).

May 18, 2024
I got dressed up for a gala with lots of glitz and glamor. There were many talented young musicians. There was lots of good food and drink. There were stylish giveaways. Cheers to everyone for an outstanding event!

May 19, 2024
I taught a photography workshop at the river today, and this kayaker showed up at just the right time. And then a lady showed up with bags of bread, and that attracted lots of waterfowl for us to take pictures of. I`m not responsible for what happened to this gull`s foot. The class practiced taking pictures of moving water. He was very experienced and stayed upright a long time.

May 20, 2024
A perfect spring morning -- through the kitchen window. Recalling my first day of photos (see May 25, 2004). Imagine it`s a hot day and you`re covered in fur. The boutonniere I wore two nights ago is hanging on. Trying to build a new future, I look back toward the past.

May 21, 2024
No, don`t look at me.  I`m not your friend. The driver left me alone on The Flyer with the engine running, and she crossed in front of the bus! The most dangerous crosswalk in downtown Dayton (see March 18, 2024).  Note the walk signal. CAUTION:  Wet Paint (see May 9 above). I remain calm in the midst of turmoil.

May 22, 2024
Time to sign off the radio and walk home. I`m a nature photographer in the city. The world has not yet fallen apart due to individuals who work hard to make things better. These . . . THINGS . . . are ready to be installed (see May 17 above). More greenery -- home to birds and butterflies -- has been removed (see May 13 above) but a tree remains.

May 23, 2024
Remember when people used to work in offices? Looks easy. Looks hard. It`s best to just stay out of their way. Those ears and eyes detected me long before I noticed the rabbit.

May 24, 2024
Imagine it`s a hot day and you`re wearing a costume. It coulda killed me, but decided to show pity. I`m telling you, that`ll go straight to your waist. Keeping a close eye on the hawk. Have you met my friend Charlotte?

May 25, 2024
Even stinkbugs appreciate beauty. I was supposed to take pictures of a human being today, but the human didn`t show up, so you get bugs instead. Local parks began to operate their splash pads and fountains today, but you get bugs instead. Oh, for what it`s worth, today I begin my 21st year of taking photos every day.  You may bow to me if you like. And now, back to more bugs!

May 26, 2024
Charlie is a fan of my radio station. They call this a miniature train, but it could kill ya. The missing letters down the left side would annoy me. Trees just make the game more exciting. And then I left before the storm began.

May 27, 2024
Memorial Day 2024. Last night`s storm is today`s bath. Today is Monday, but my street is still barricaded. Don`t tell her I said so, but I don`t like DORA. We can learn a lot from bees, but only if we notice them.

May 28, 2024
You`ve seen this wall before (see September 5, 2021). And you`ve seen random acts of kindness before (see November 29, 2023). Someone put food, clothing and hygiene items here. And even a notebook for writing things down. Seems like a nice gesture but I wonder about the impact.

May 29, 2024
Other people`s photo shoots. I gave my car a bath today. A preview of summer. I`m sure the yellow twine means something (see May 22 above). I had to wait for the wind to blow it the right direction.

May 30, 2024
I hope there was a safety harness involved. There will always be more flowers to photograph. The big green thing in action (see May 21 above). The Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra has announced its next Music Director. Keitaro Harada will take the baton in 2025, but we welcomed him today.

May 31, 2024
That can`t be right. Maybe it is right. Is that a radio station? Today I looked out this window. And then I looked out this window.