Daily Photos

< August 2021 >

August 1, 2021
Sacred geometry. This is what happened to your flowers. Lily invited me to see her pad. Those are some strong jaws. For photos like this, all those dials and knobs on the camera come in handy.  I don`t just push the button.

August 2, 2021
Monday morning in the Midwest. Then the fountains started spraying, disturbing a heron, a flock of ducks, a bald eagle, and a couple of joggers. Other parts of the country wish they had so much water. I love a good fungus. I`m a poet and you didn`t know it.

August 3, 2021
Dayton without the red crane (see August 2 above). There`s a reason why this is called the Stillwater River. Prowling pescatarian. The best thing I can say about this photo is that it was taken on my 6,279th consecutive day of taking pictures. I was driving to one park, but made a right turn since I thought there would be monarchs at a different park.

August 4, 2021
This is why I continue to take pictures every day. I hope your morning had as much sparkle as mine did. Everything in this photo is there deliberately for a reason. Let me draw your attention to the flower-colored bee. Left behind from July 22, 2021.  Can I keep it?

August 5, 2021
He thinks he`s at the beach. I`m a detail-oriented person, but this is too much. Fallen comrade. Break time. The Oregon District is often frustrating, but it`s home.

August 6, 2021
They got the gutter fixed (see February 20, 2021). Two years ago, it was Holly & Emily (see August 2, 2019). If Edde Osborne is here, I must be in the right place. I know how to make one balloon animal:  a snake. There was a concert at the Levitt tonight.  I didn`t go.

August 7, 2021
Hanging around downtown Dayton. The Dayton Arcade isn`t completely finished yet. I shopped at McCrory`s -- one time in the 1990s. There was artmaking going on all around the city. Artmaking can be defined broadly.

August 8, 2021
I spent another morning in the garden alone. Well, I wasn`t completely alone. There was just one dragonfly, and it was far away. It was an unusually cool morning for August. Why watch artificial stuff on screens when there`s so much real stuff to look at?

August 9, 2021
The prairie was full of flowers on a sunny summer day, but there were no butterflies.  Earth is dying around us. Stick your nose (or your lens) into nature and breathe. The columbine`s red bells were rung, the locust`s vested chorus sung, while every wind his zithern strung.  PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR Every dragonfly photo is an opportunity to fall in a pond. It was a good day to do nothing but sit in the sun.

August 10, 2021
There used to be trees and grass here.  Now there`s this. Other people`s photo shoots. Don`t just sit there like a duck on a log. I`d rather watch this than watch TV. There`s been a lot of progress, and I`ve neglected to keep you up to date (see March 1, March 3, May 7 and June 30, 2021).

August 11, 2021
I`m still listening to the same music 46 years later. The tree outside decorates my refrigerator inside. `I warned you there was no lifeguard on duty!` Susan, smeared and spinning. Cats.  No.  Don`t even talk to me about cats.

August 12, 2021
Waiting patiently for me to arrive at the pond. The reeds shake when fish swim through them. There are obvious signs that this bird is not vegetarian. Cardinals are easy to hear, but hard to spot. In a butterfly-free summer, this made me happy.

August 13, 2021
After a year off in 2020, Germanfest Picnic is back! EVERYBODY POLKA! That`s a complicated instrument. Germanfest has French dancers (see August 10, 2018). Vater und Sohn.

August 14, 2021
He would walk 500 miles and he would walk 500 more. People waited and waited and waited for sauerkraut. Stein mart. Photo opportunity. They`re under a tent, it`s dark, and they`re moving, but I get the shot, thanks to Canon and 17 years` experience.

August 15, 2021
Zwei deutsche Madchen. Still wielding his sword (see August 12, 2018). Germanfest Picnic is over for another year. Time to explore the neighborhood. I`ll be back next weekend for another festival.

August 16, 2021
Seventy-six days until Halloween. For better or worse, I have absolutely no fear of bees. I took this and then thought, `Okay, no more flowers.` He`s a good boy. Leaves fall, water flows, and the morning is peaceful.

August 17, 2021
Thirty-four strings. Four strings. Four strings. Six strings. Eight strings.

August 18, 2021
I got this photo (and the hawk on August 12 above) because I LISTEN. Paying rent is easier with a couple of roommates. It was foggy this morning, then things started to sparkle. It`s World Photo Day, so I decided to take a photo. The glory of the sun hidden inside a little flower.

August 19, 2021
From the first line of the first song, I knew that Alvin Youngblood Hart was a real bluesman. Taj Mahal once said of Alvin Youngblood Hart, `The boy has got thunder in his hands.` Memphis by way of Mississippi and California. Oh, those lights. A big blues fan from way back.

August 20, 2021
My plans for photos today were foiled. I spent a long time under an awning hiding from the rain. Then it stopped raining, but I was in for the night. Oh well, I`ve got other plans for photos tomorrow. The book was better than the movie, and the movie was better than the miniseries.

August 21, 2021
T.R.S.S Percussion Drumline kicked off Porchfest today. I came out in the hot sun just for these photos. Holly and Emily sang my favorite Holly and Emily songs. Holly and Emily had a nice crowd for their performance. The crowd was also generous.

August 22, 2021
Small birds harass a hawk in the tree.  The hawk had something in its talons that was still quivering Tough shot, tough shot, tough shot. Have you met my pet pest? One quick shot and it was gone. A bumblebee was trying to pollinate my left ear as I took this.

August 23, 2021
Follow me if you want, but I`m not going to touch you. I went looking for monarchs and found a bumblebee. You can`t paint a giant owl without making a mess (see August 5 above). Give me old stuff over new stuff. I shall hear the angel chorus in the realms of endless day a-singin` o` the ol` tunes in the ol`-fashioned way. PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR.

August 24, 2021
Mourning dove versus radio controlled aircraft. I was hoping for hummingbirds, but I`ll take a monarch. Two guys talked about taking photos while I took photos. I yielded my body to mosquitoes to chase goldfinches. And what brood are you, gorgeous?

August 25, 2021
She gave me a rose, and I kissed it and pressed it. I love her, she knows, and my action confessed it. PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR A house in the Oregon District built in 1873. If frogs couldn`t hop, I`d have been gone with the Schwinn.  KERMIT THE FROG A swimming pool with a huge fence like a cemetery (see June 9, 2021). Teenage girls make mirror selfies look so easy.

August 26, 2021
A killdeer always looks worried about something. Love hath the wings of the butterfly, Oh, clasp him but gently.  PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR Love hath the wings of the eagle bold, Cling to him strongly.  PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR Dunbar also wrote poems about the Great Miami River. DVAC is out, Nan Whaley is in.  How far will she go?

August 27, 2021
I decided to go to Smith Garden this morning.  So did about twenty mothers with rambunctious preschool kids. A clean robin is a happy robin. The rambunctious preschool kids didn`t scare the bugs. I could talk to you for a long time about how each photo was taken and why it looks like it does -- if you want. Some people have to stick their nose into everything.

August 28, 2021
Some people sit way in the back. I prefer to be near the front. Hammond has come a long way. The drummer of the summer so far (see June 12, June 17, June 24, July 8 and July 9, 2021). The lead singer had the energy of a star.

August 29, 2021
We`re very lucky to have plenty of water around here. I stood there and watched it consume an entire flower. A waste of natural resources. Feel free to drop in any time. Change is coming.

August 30, 2021
A sign of the times. It`s after 6pm and somebody`s still working in there. I can`t say I`m glad to see this sculpture get repaired (see December 22, 2020). Sometimes it`s possible to have too many friends. The kid was having fun while the dad paddled like crazy.

August 31, 2021
Did you drop something? Inflation has been out of control lately. Okay, no more photos outside. A rainy day picture. Still raining at 11pm.  We`re lucky to have rain.  Really.