Daily Photos

< October 2020 >

October 1, 2020
Want some cheesecake from September 18, 2020? Probably not a good place to hide nuts for the winter. How a gull takes a drink (see May 26, 2017). Oh, thank you!  You shouldn`t have. He didn`t stick the landing.

October 2, 2020
Fuzzy, but you`d better not pet it. You definitely don`t want to pet this one either. I told myself to shoot something other than bugs, but then I saw a teary-eyed grasshopper. Banking in time of corona. Paul is feeling much better (see April 12, 2020).

October 3, 2020
Now when the time of fruit and grain is come, when apples hang above the orchard wall . . . Comes Autumn with her sunburnt caravan, like a long gypsy train with trappings gay . . . And tattered colors of the Orient, moving slow-footed through the dreamy hills . . . The maples glow with their Pompeian red, the hickories with burnt Etruscan gold . . . And while the crickets fife along her march, behind her banners burns the crimson sun. BLISS CARMAN

October 4, 2020
Spell check with duct tape (see August 16, 2020). Shattered trust can never be repaired. Table for nine, please. What will it become? Nature in the city.

October 5, 2020
You`ll just have to take my word for it that during the pandemic I`ve eaten a lot more tomatoes. Random happiness. I live down at this end now. It gets dark early nowadays. Art is slow (see September 19, 2020).

October 6, 2020
I stand safely on dry land while others do crazy things. This area was fenced off -- but it wasn`t a sturdy fence. I didn`t know if this shot would work out.  It did. Sunset on the river. A monument to art.

October 7, 2020
Morning on the prairie. It was stalking a meal.  I was stalking a photo. Waiting for a monarch to show up. Still not a monarch. That`s what I was waiting for.

October 8, 2020
There are days -- very rare -- when I don`t hate autumn. The Biltmore is on life support. How my brain works:  I reminded myself to do something with this note, but I didn`t have to write anything on it. The seat of power. The long shadows of October.

October 9, 2020
Down on the farm. I just wanted to make myself perfectly clear. Dreaming of the mountains. The finest in poultry portraiture (see September 1, 2010). Hey!

October 10, 2020
I specifically asked her to wear this sweater. This is the same pond I photographed yesterday, but I won`t waste time taking pictures of the barn this time. Thankfully her sister helped keep all that hair in place. At this point, an inquisitive park ranger drove by. The beauty of autumn.

October 11, 2020
I`m glad to see that parking enforcement still happens in the Oregon District (although this driver won`t be). Weekend 6 of Oregon District streets being blocked off.  Only three more weekends of annoying inconvenience! `Money Is Power,` a new mural in the Oregon District by blk.jhn. Other people`s photo shoots. An illegally-parked motorcycle (oh, and me reflected three times).

October 12, 2020
The culminating step of a very important process (see August 16, 2020). I`ll just leave this one blank.  It`s really the county treasurer race that I`m passionate about. Your vote won`t count if you don`t sign your ballot! Put a stamp on your ballot and mail it, or drop it off at the county Board of Elections.  Don`t wait until November. Ohio`s Secretary of State deliberately makes it harder for people to vote, but he gives stickers to those who do.  When he`s up for reelection, I`ll let him know how I feel.

October 13, 2020
Sunset comes early these days. Two seasons collide. Reflections on autumn. Ducks vs. Gulls, Part Two (see August 18, 2020).  Oh, and one coot on the right. Pretty, but you wouldn`t want to drink it.

October 14, 2020
Since this church closed, the neighborhood has fallen among thorns. It`s turning into . . . something (see October 4 above). Sorry, Mr. President, you`ll have to walk. There`s a certain Slant of light. EMILY DICKINSON When they gave me my car key back, it was wet with sanitizer.

October 15, 2020
This old guitar taught me to sing a love song. It showed me how to laugh and how to cry. It introduced me to some friends of mine and brightened up some days. It helped me make it through some lonely nights. Oh, what a friend to have on a cold and lonely night.  JOHN DENVER

October 16, 2020
No one travels to Ohio to see the fall foliage. The Radical Left. Cute and cautious. Enigma in granite (see December 18, 2018). Walking down the same old sidewalks, there`s always something new to see.

October 17, 2020
I`ve had bees, flies, ants and other kinds of bugs inside my house, but not a butterfly.  I`d try to keep it as a pet. I would never try to keep a bee as a pet. Autumn in the Oregon District. Boy Blue works in the hot sun, and on cool cloudy days (see September 19, 2020). All five of today`s photos could`ve been of this dancer.

October 18, 2020
I`m still organizing old photos.  Apparently I`ve done 174 portrait sessions since 2004.  Someday I`ll get it right. Did you see that movie `Psycho`? One of the funniest lines I`ve ever written:  `Mom will be here in a minute.  She`s washing the soap.` The light side versus the dark side. Welcome to that time of year when I shoot dumb pictures indoors.  How many days until spring?

October 19, 2020
After a lengthy power outage, I`m grateful for this. If other people don`t need to take five photos every day, why do they take pictures of their food? The aftermath. Meet me at the bridge. Carved by hand in Italy.

October 20, 2020
I found the light switch and turned the lobby lights on (see August 19, 2020).  There`s not enough daylight now. The eternal mystery of my parking garage:  when it rains, big puddles form -- even on the middle floors. If they want to continue sidewalk dining, they`re going to need igloos pretty soon (see October 21 below). There`s always someone having a worse day than you. The second-most neglected device in my home.  The most neglected device is the vacuum cleaner.

October 21, 2020
Reason No. 237 of why I don`t like fall:  there are tiny yellow leaves all over the floor of my office. Reason No. 842 of why I don`t like fall:  it takes up valuable parking space. What did I say about igloos (see October 20 above)? It`s been rainy lately. Hmm . . . that can`t be right.

October 22, 2020
I finally found this bridge which has become legendary. It seems to have been overrun by ANARCHISTS. I saw lots of photos of a swing on this bridge and I could hardly believe such a hazard existed.  It doesn`t anymore. Positive reinforcement from a pedestrian footbridge. I may or may not have discovered Noah`s Ark.

October 23, 2020
Steps and shadows. Downtown Dayton:  please pardon our dust. I`ll go inside the Schuster Center again . . . someday. We`re both desperate for sunlight and warmth. I think it`s time to bring back The Idiot Driver of the Day (see August 22, 2019).

October 24, 2020
It`s October, so the snowplows may be needed to shovel snow (see September 6 and October 11, 2020). There`s a lot of secrecy about this design, but I`m starting to see a gem up there (see October 5 above). We`re both acting like it`s still summer. No, it`s the Oregon District (see September 29, 2020). The Vice President arrives in Ohio to campaign (or maybe to look for a new job).

October 25, 2020
She`s the quiet type. I`m easily entertained. Where I spent much of my day. I hate getting lipstick on my mask. I got to go outside briefly.  It was cool and damp.

October 26, 2020
City. Country. Don`t look back.  Something may be gaining on you. Listen to public radio, give them money, get free stuff. Macaroni and cheese, Equinox on WYSO, and all is well.

October 27, 2020
I`ve been taking a lot of equestrian photos this year. Water is visually unpredictable. Come when my heart is full of grief or when my heart is merry. Come with the falling of the leaf or with the redd`ning cherry. PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR A wise man walks with his head bowed low -- humble, like the dust. MASTER PO on the TV show `Kung Fu` As of today, I`ve taken pictures for the past 6,000 days.  I really think I`m starting to get the hang of it.

October 28, 2020
We`re surrounded by ugly and nobody seems to notice. Everybody wants to tell me how to vote. It`s called a river, but it`s more like a lagoon. Aloofness is photogenic. The relentless pursuit of purification.

October 29, 2020
The last gasp of fall. Late October rain spells doom for lingering leaves. Full disclosure:  today`s pictures were taken indoors. What is different (see September 19, 2020)? The third-most neglected device in my home (see October 20 above).

October 30, 2020
I have to wonder about people who celebrate Halloween. This photo reveals my personal feelings about autumn. Ask me on January 21 how I feel about voting. There was a blue Chevy pickup with flat tires nearby. Can you hear me, Major Tom?  DAVID BOWIE

October 31, 2020
Who can turn the world on with her smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? Well it`s you girl and you should know it. With each glance and every little movement you show it. You`re gonna make it after all.  SONNY CURTIS