Daily Photos

< July 2020 >

July 1, 2020
The eve is still, yet from the hill the killdeer echoes loud and shrill. PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR If your path is solitary, you`re going in the right direction. Time for a bathroom break? We`re constantly under surveillance. Gnats swarm in the sun, unaware of our larger world.  How much do we not know as we go around in circles?

July 2, 2020
Today is Thursday and I have Friday off. So on Thursday I thought it was Friday. On Friday I thought it was Saturday. On Saturday I thought it was Sunday. On Sunday I thought it was Sunday.

July 3, 2020
When I go to lots of places, Edde Osborne is there too. There`s already a place to pose for photos on my street (see April 22, 2020).  Now there`s another one nearby. Looks like someone got crafty during quarantine. When it`s 93 degrees, I take photos without stopping. Cuteness runs in my family.

July 4, 2020
Other people work hard to make things look nice, and then I come along a take a picture.  Sounds fair to me. The neighborhood parade is a July 4th tradition in the Oregon District (but face masks are new this year). Where`s Norman Rockwell when you need him? A tradition within a tradition (see July 4, 2018). Stars and stripes.

July 5, 2020
Ten feet from a parking lot. Someday I`ll probably fall in a pond hunting dragonflies. They make a noisy approach, so I was ready. Slightly less noisy in the sky. And the killdeer makes the most noise of all (see July 1 above).

July 6, 2020
Take the lilies and the lace from the days of childhood, all the willow winding paths leading up and outward. This is what I give, this is what I ask you for, nothing more. JUDY COLLINS Proto flower. Much of my photography is driven by anthropomorphism (see December 11, 2016, and June 23, 2013). What`s round on both sides and high in the middle? William McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist.  It would be ironic if anarchists pulled down his statue.

July 7, 2020
A tiny F-15 protects us from tiny Russians. A bird, and some lines (see June 3, 2017). I stalked this dragonfly with 18 photos. I`m not going out into the prairie today.  I always get bitten by mosqui -- wait, there`s a pipevine swallowtail. Well, as long as I`m out here.

July 8, 2020
Progress report (see July 3 above). Crossing the street on a hot day. Progress report (see June 21, 2020). In the Temple to the Automobile. Making progress on my gift cards (see June 27, 2020).

July 9, 2020
I waited -- and waited -- for this bee to start flying.  It might still be there. Beneath the toadstool. Group photo. Morning in the garden. I was just about to leave when I saw this guy perching.

July 10, 2020
Nature is calling to you.  Are you listening? Swimmin` hole. Something in this picture doesn`t belong.  Can you find it? A sneeze waiting to happen. Dayton just keeps on rolling.

July 11, 2020
The surf crashes against the shore at Dayton Beach. Sometimes I get tired of the precision of reality (see October 10, 2010, November 29, 2017, and December 11, 2017). A nervous gull, photographed out the car window. Yet another activity I will never do (see June 6, 2020). Une Barque sur l`Ocean by Maurice Ravel.

July 12, 2020
There`s a color guard show going on?  Follow that truck! Why I don`t park under this tree during this time of year (see June 19, 2020). I think it might rain. Yes, it` probably going to rain. How I go to concerts now.  I didn`t have to wear shoes.

July 13, 2020
I watched a humorous moment when a duckling collided with a fish that had come to the surface to breathe. Eating out. Just hang on. Committee meeting. Another gift card down (see July 8 above).

July 14, 2020
Deadly beauty. Yes, I was lower than the bee. Looking for a butterfly, I found a hummingbird moth. Waiting to welcome you. There`s the butterfly I was looking for.

July 15, 2020
Defend that daisy! Bird families have turned this roof into clay condos. A bumblebee`s proboscis (or tongue) is folded up in flight, but it comes out to lap up nectar from a flower. I brought the bug and flower lens to the garden today. With their large eyes, containing up to 30,000 facets, dragonflies see colors that humans can`t even perceive.

July 16, 2020
Urban wildlife. More wildlife. Progress report (see July 8 above). Even a simple photo is complicated. I sure hope the children take time to read these signs (see April 10, 2020).

July 17, 2020
University of Dayton:  nobody`s home. A prominent Daytonian. A non-prominent Daytonian. My photographs turn the ephemeral into the permanent. My kinda town.

July 18, 2020
I`ll put a pebble in my shoe and watch me walk.  PEGGY GORDON I`d turn back if I were you. What?  A flower with no bug on it? Robins and cardinals were feasting on berries. I was scheduled to teach a photography workshop on this prairie today, but it was cancelled.  I went anyway.

July 19, 2020
Squirrels make themselves comfortable on my porch (see July 12 above). Have you lost your head? I`m in there somewhere. 8:48am. 6:05pm.

July 20, 2020
The job has its ups and downs. The morning traffic is just beak to beak. When you dunno what a bird is, you just dunno. Luckily, I don`t have to drive on Fourth Street. Progress report (see July 16 above).

July 21, 2020
Things that fly. Things that fly. Things that fly. Things that fly. Things that fly.

July 22, 2020
How I go to meetings now.  I didn`t have to wear shoes. In the middle of ugly manmade buildings and smelly asphalt streets, nature shows us how it`s done. Rain helps to keep things cool. Inspiring words on Fifth Street. A cardinal was singing overhead, but this was easier.

July 23, 2020
Well, at least some of us do. File this under Things We Didn`t Know We Needed. Clover for dinner. The head of the Hydra. A new surfer is encouraged by others with more experience.

July 24, 2020
When you see that special one, you know right away. Cardinals are the punk rockers of the bird kingdom. Family photo. `Somebody always calls when I`m in the shower.` A garden is a dangerous place.

July 25, 2020
I drove a long way out into the cornfields today, but it was worth it to get some good pictures. I try to make myself invisible to horse and rider, but she was one of two who spoke to me as they went past. On hot days, riders don`t have to wear their jackets. My photos often show other people doing things I can`t. They put in an enormous amount of effort and money, then I drift in and casually push a button on my camera.  This arrangement works out nicely for me.

July 26, 2020
The red spot tells passing bees: RIGHT HERE. Only the brightest stars are visible in the daytime. There`s a drip in the alley. Out for a walk on Sunday morning. It`s dangerous to walk under this tree (see July 12 above).

July 27, 2020
I`m not half the man I used to be. There`s so much to look forward to. A tween duck. Rise above. `Hey, what are those green things?  Hello?  HEY!!`

July 28, 2020
The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible. I Corinthians 15:52b Even when I come to work, it`s a lot like quarantine. Radio is solitary, and that helps keep me healthy. Are ya sure ya wanna eat that? I`m backing up and organizing 16 years of photos.

July 29, 2020
Probably not the same kingfisher as June 29, 2014. Four kingfishers in one shot! Try this with your camera. I saw a hummingbird this morning, but it was in a hurry. I haven`t seen very many large butterflies this year.

July 30, 2020
One bird arrived with a purple flower petal in its beak and all the other birds freaked out. Update (see June 26, 2020). A symbol of protest. Bloom where you`re planted. Wear and tear.

July 31, 2020
`Gotta keep my eyes open, because there are usually chipmunks around -- oh!`  I know Smith Garden very well. It was chilly and leaves were falling.  I`m not ready. The flowers didn`t move, but I did, finding the best angle. I take lots of pictures and choose the best one later. Most of the food you eat depends on pollination.