Daily Photos

< September 2024

September 1, 2024
Beneath a brow too fair for frowning, like moon-lit deeps that glass the skies till all the hosts above seem drowning . . . Looked forth her steadfast hazel eyes, with gaze serene and purely wise. And over all, her tresses rare, which, when, with his desire grown weak, the Night bent down to kiss her cheek, entrapped and held him captive there. Her loveliness was not alone of face and form and tresses` hue. For aye a pure, high soul shone through her every act. PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR

September 2, 2024
Nature always wins. It`s Monday and my neighborhood is still in lockdown. I`ve got nothing to do today but smile. PAUL SIMON A new high heel shoe has mysteriously appeared (see March 17, 2024) and it seems engineered to last forever. My backyard is smaller than your living room.

September 3, 2024
The Courthouse Square fountain continues to evolve (see August 8, 2024). The Dayton Arcade continues to evolve.  Can I live here? Oh the regrettable things we do to secure our cars. Schuster schadows (see January 19, 2021). Someone went past riding this bike as I was taking the photos from September 1 above.  They didn`t get far.

September 4, 2024
I walked through a construction zone to get to work. At lunchtime I went to the river to ponder my existence, but someone was already there pre-pondering. A look of distrust. A momentary fragment from a flawless day. Did you get my letters?

September 5, 2024
It was a quiet morning by the pond. The sun wasn`t up yet.  The light came from my camera. It has begun. My little chickadee. Snap, step closer.  Snap, step.  Snap, step, it ran away.

September 6, 2024
Sweet Lizzy Project is from Cuba, by way of Nashville. People in the crowd sang the lyrics and held up signs. Sweet Lizzy Project is a small band with big talent. I`ve been listening to a lot of their music lately. She`s like a blend of Shakira and Alanis Morissette.

September 7, 2024
I`m usually comfortably at home at sunset. Tonight I taught a class called Golden Hour Photography. This is not one of the students. A face only a mother hog could love. A glimpse into the past.

September 8, 2024
I nearly got hit by a ball, but I like being up close. And when I`m far away, my camera still gets the shot. College athletics really bring people together. Maybe the previous caption belongs here. I saw a bloody nose, a yellow card and lots of contact.

September 9, 2024
I wasn`t even allowed to walk through the construction zone today (see September 4 above). Why you may have heard rumbling on the radio today. It`s a big project and they`re actually moving pretty fast. That`s some pretty impressive vandalism. I read books constantly when I was younger, but now I look back and question my literary taste.

September 10, 2024
Lunch break? People walk in the street as the sidewalk is being rebuilt. Uhhh, everything okay down there? No diving. Go Dragons!

September 11, 2024
Woodland Cemetery is Dayton`s oldest active cemetery. It`s also an arboretum with a wide variety of trees. Woodland is full of impressive graves and monuments. Paul Laurence Dunbar is buried at Woodland Cemetery. It also has the best view of downtown Dayton.

September 12, 2024
Pregame encouragement. Compare this field to the artificial turf from September 8 above.  Players were tripping over the holes. No fear. There was a lot of aggressive play. Both teams were from Dayton.  The home team won.

September 13, 2024
I looked out the window this morning and made a friend. This job is exhausting (see September 9 and 10 above). Chad Hoopes is a very talented young violinst. I`m still being frustrated by a computer upgrade (see July 11, 2024). It was easier to get through the movie than the book (see September 9 above).

September 14, 2024
The biggest funnel spider web I`ve ever seen. Boys will be boys. An attendee at the photography workshop I taught today. This looks like a caterpillar of the Virginian Tiger Moth (also known as the Yellow Wooly Bear). The caterpillar was the star of today`s workshop.

September 15, 2024
It`s public radio fundraising week! The Guitar Man, Jim McCutcheon, helped kick things off. Good fences make good neighbors. ROBERT FROST It was hot in the sun, and there was lots of sun. Summer, flower, bee.  All is well with the world.