Daily Photos

< June 2023 >

June 1, 2023
Levitt Dayton`s concert season got off to a bluesy start. She`s a washboard virtuoso. Plus there was the guitar he was playing at the moment. The band was made up of three people.  It was enough. There was a huge and enthusiastic crowd on a Thursday.

June 2, 2023
The more we discover the wonders of nature, the more we become aware of ourselves. HILMA AF KLINT Every time I succeed in finishing one of my sketches, my understanding of humanity, animals, plants, minerals, of the entire creation, becomes clearer.  I feel freed and raised up above my limited consciousness. HILMA AF KLINT Those granted the gift of seeing more deeply can see beyond form and concentrate on the wondrous aspect hiding behind every form, which is called life. HILMA AF KLINT Less selfishness, more indifference. HILMA AF KLINT Only for those prepared to leave their familiar life behind will life emerge in a new gown of continually expanding beauty and perfection. But in order to attain such a state, it is necessary to achieve stillness in both thought and feeling. HILMA AF KLINT

June 3, 2023
The Columbus team was back (see May 28, 2023) to give another clinic on how to maintain ball possession. This time there were no last-minute heroics for Dayton. It was 93 degrees without a bit of shade. The sky turned angry, so I left before it started raining. There was another competition going on above the field.

June 4, 2023
If you put metal artwork outdoors, make it rust colored. My kind of town. A lone cormorant waiting for fish -- or another cormorant. The label fell off, so dinner with be a surprise. After my mystery dinner, I started preparing breakfast.

June 5, 2023
If you`re looking for a new house, don`t come to the Oregon District.  This one was built 173 years ago. Nice photo, but I was sneezing the rest of the day. Window shopping. This gazebo is one of the symbols of my neighborhood. Closer . . . always closer.

June 6, 2023
The walnuts won`t be mature for months, but the squirrels can`t wait.  This is about the size of a grape. The other ducks call her Grace. Like a bump on a log. Ah, those were simpler times. Don`t do it!  [Spoiler:  he did it.]

June 7, 2023
What`s the lowest possible score in tennis? I`m walking home through smoke from Canadian fires. ston chill. Don`t get married, or don`t steal the wedding dress? Why did it take me 43 years to buy this soundtrack?

June 8, 2023
What would Wilbur and Orville think? The Luv Locz Experiment performed at the Levitt tonight. I could hear the music from my house so I walked over. Most people just sit and listen to the music.  But at the front, dancers and photographers compete for space. Big sale at Goodwill, apparently.

June 9, 2023
Human beings didn`t land on water until March 28, 1910. The state of Ohio doesn`t have an official butterfly, but the cabbage white is probably the most ubiquitous. The safe way to get a drink (see August 12, 2004). There are usually chipmunks here (see June 12, 2022). I chased this butterfly around until I got what I wanted.

June 10, 2023
My photography workshop today was a real splash. The class was all about how to take pictures of water. There were three students in the class, and one model. I`ll hear a concert tonight, whether I want to or not. Litterature.

June 11, 2023
Roman Catholic cardinals have been wearing red since 1244 AD.  Some say the bird is named after the cleric. If you think I got a shot like this on the first try, well you just go ahead and think that. Iridescence on insects acts as protective camouflage. Yesterday I noticed I haven`t taken many bird photos lately, so here`s a black-capped chickadee for you. And here`s a vintage Navy T-34 for you.

June 12, 2023
Not me. Not me again. Still not me. See previous caption. That`s me.

June 13, 2023
The masked composer. A very expensive light bulb, that doesn`t work. Five minutes after somebody invented the automobile, somebody else started charging for parking. To avoid getting soaked, I didn`t walk to work today. You`ll find your fortune falling all over town. Be sure that your umbrella is upside down. JOHNNY BURKE

June 14, 2023
Here, hold this a second. We need the rain.  Watch your step. The bird thinks it`s a comma. Head in the clouds. I walked to work today and left the convertible at home.

June 15, 2023
At first I worried that this meant my street was going to be torn up.  Now I think a car was dragging something. Just because I don`t know what something is doesn`t stop me from eating it. What now?  (See May 22, 2023). First daisy (with bug) of the year. It`s gonna rain.  Time to go inside.

June 16, 2023
You should know the name Phillip-Michael Scales. It`s a free concert, but every little bit helps. Somethin` keeps him goin` miles and miles a day to find another place to play. BREAD Building community one free concert at a time. Sometimes the light is just right.

June 17, 2023
The Grammy-winning Rebirth Brass Band put on a show, and I didn`t have to pay admission -- cuz it`s the Levitt. It was a beautiful night, and a big crowd showed up. The joy of music is instinctive. I haven`t seen the smoke machine used this season, so it has been easier for me to breathe and take pictures. I didn`t take anything.  I wasn`t that hungry.

June 18, 2023
In a big garden, I take pictures of the little things. The rabbit and I shared a quiet Sunday morning together. A[nother] bug on a[nother] plant. Amid the flowers, somebody placed some flowers. The morning buzz.

June 19, 2023
I suspect that I`m the only person on the sidewalk who notices the screeching of falcons flying above downtown. And then it started raining, so I went inside. I was the only one in my creepy parking garage tonight. Large numbers of Americans have joined the growing ranks of U.S. adults who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or `nothing in particular.` PEW RESEARCH CENTER Don`t look now, but somebody`s watching you.

June 20, 2023
It was another rainy day spent indoors.  Oh well. Keeping things sanitary. The computer that will replace me has arrived. When a car doesn`t move for months, the police notice. The novel was an inspiration.  The film was an insult.

June 21, 2023
The Oregon District loses an unnecessary building. This massive job is nearly done. You never know when you`ll encounter a friendly face. Do gulls have cheeks? I thought this was a photo of one bug, but it`s three.

June 22, 2023
They were having a good time and we got to watch. The concert began with a t-shirt toss. You can`t have a show by an Irish band without dancers. Scythian has a lot of fans in Dayton.  They all showed up. It was hard to get close because of the big crowd.

June 23, 2023
This morning I took photos of a theatre performance by kids who were between 4 and 7 years old. Do you remember the story of stone soup?  I got a good reminder of it today. The production requires one prop. There was an improvised death scene in today`s show. Each of the participants was awarded a t-shirt.

June 24, 2023
Sorry, I`ll come back when you`re not so busy. It was a good day to lay out in the sun. Don`t worry about the worm.  It all evens out in the end. This cardinal caught a bug in mid-air, and then flew into this tree to feast on it. You`re never too old to play in the mud.

June 25, 2023
Paul Laurence Dunbar`s 151st birthday is coming up.  Let`s get this party started! Tonight I went to an event that showed how Dunbar continues to inspire creative people in our own time. Dunbar inspires dancers. Dunbar inspires poets. Dunbar inspires me.

June 26, 2023
Is this the mystery person who keeps putting high heel shoes at that spot?  I drove by and decided probably not. I`ve got nearly 20 years of daily photos archived.  Posterity can`t afford to lose pictures of my hand. My ongoing fascination with water jugs (see April 4, 2022, and January 29, 2005). Got secrets?  Get a shredder. And then the sky cut loose with a storm.

June 27, 2023
Where`s the onion wash?  Oh, over here. Even in a historic neighborhood, buildings need to go (see June 21 above). Car vs. wall.  Wall wins. When I hear a siren, I adjust my camera and just wait. Oh hi, what`s your name?

June 28, 2023
I`m breathing smoke from distant fires.  Thanks, Canada! It`s not a cliff, but the falcon doesn`t care. An artistic gift found along the bike path. `So then this zombie came toward me like this.` Monument or monstrosity?  It`s too early to tell.

June 29, 2023
This month, I had the opportunity to take pictures of Dayton Dance Initiative. They presented a performance that combined dance with other art forms. The show included a wide variety of dance styles. Every piece had a concept that was expressed through movement, music, costumes and visuals. It was challenging to shoot, but I was able to provide DDI with a lot of good photos.

June 30, 2023
Three`s a crowd. Be glad you don`t come along when I take pictures.  Want to sit in the wet grass? Have you met my friend Lily? I`m as busy as a spider spinning daydreams. OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II. My first decent dragonfly photo of the season, finally.