Daily Photos

< November 2022 >

November 1, 2022
The challenge of urban migration. If trick-or-treaters didn`t eat it last night, I guess it becomes my responsibility. One of my photos was published!  With credit to someone else! I reluctantly introduced my car to the creepy garage where I park. Will there be roses at the other end of November?

November 2, 2022
The Omega Bug. When you`re a spider and the basement floods. This is what I see pretty much everywhere I go. No picnic today. It`s time for migration and today the park was full of plumage and bird calls I didn`t recognize.

November 3, 2022
November has come in like a lamb. That Thursday feeling. Pondering stuff. Yes, my car has been in the shop, but it`s all good. Urban complexity.

November 4, 2022
Bad luck:  I`m shooting portraits today and it`s sunny. Trying to recreate the magic of November 4, 2018. More cuteness is coming soon to my family. It`s a gag that never gets old. My first photo of my new great nephew.

November 5, 2022
Today I taught a photography workshop for one student.  He was a highly-engaged student, so it was worthwhile. My friend Kelley was in a dance competition tonight. My friend Kate was in the same dance competition. Only one of them could win. But everybody had fun and raised money for a good cause.

November 6, 2022
Sun day. After the daylight savings time change, shadows seem alarmingly long even in the early afternoon. I`m all in pieces. I don`t want summer to end either. This butterfly flew away as I approached, but I pretended to walk away and it came back.

November 7, 2022
Is it art? This construction project has come a long way (see February 12, 2021). When I can get my photos without scaring away the bird, beast or bug, that makes me happy. The November sun invites me, although the chill wind smites me.  PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR The weather forecast says November will change soon.

November 8, 2022
Breakfast for me now is just fruit and juice (see October 31, 2022). The man of Stihl. It`s finally election day!  I`ve been looking forward to voting against certain people for a long time. For the second day in a row, at this same spot, this sandwich delivery speed devil nearly ran me over. One more trip to the shop this week and my `new` car will be in satisfactory condition (see November 3 above).

November 9, 2022
As I drove past the library this morning, I saw Paul Laurence Dunbar looking out the window at me. I drove around the block, found a place to park, and went inside the library. On display were many creative designs inspired by Dunbar`s writings -- his letters rather than his poems. The only Dunbar verse I saw was on the floor. I like to see creative uses of Dunbar`s work (see February 11, 2018).  I`m glad I went by the library today.

November 10, 2022
Today`s the last pleasant day of fall. It`ll be cold and wet from now on. I am solar powered. Lucy is showing her age (see October 27, 2022). It`ll be another week before the city collects these. A listener brings us cake to celebrate the radio station`s birthday (see November 11, 2019, 2016, 2015 and 2014).

November 11, 2022
I told you it will be cold and wet from now on (see November 10 above). The company that runs my decrepit parking garage also operates this lot.  Here`s how they accommodate their employees. It`s starting already. A coworker says the water in our office `tastes like feet.` AT LAST there are lights in my parking garage!  I nearly wept. (See November 18, 2021)

November 12, 2022
A state championship happens nearby, so I usually drop in (see November 13, 2021; November 9, 2019; November 10, 2018; November 11, 2017; November 12, 2016; November 14, 2015; November 8, 2014; and November 9, 2013). Win or lose, these are the best players and best teams. Besides the game on the court, there`s a noisy battle that goes on between the fans of the two teams. I paid $15 admission and $5 to park and came home with 12 photos.  You get to see five.  I`m very picky. You gotta believe!

November 13, 2022
My favorite prairie is going to look different next year. Summer flowers, autumn leaves and winter snow in the same shot. I continue to jump through bureaucratic hoops (and pay money) because of a bad driver (see October 17, 2022). My new car has a CD player, but it`s rough on them. Nature`s candy.

November 14, 2022
Christmas is under construction. Soon to be in a display case (see November 19, 2021). Work continues at the Dayton Arcade. My daily encounter with the sandwich cyclist (see November 8 above). Arson?  What arson?  (See October 31, 2022).

November 15, 2022
Strings. Brass. Percussion. Keyboard. Winds.

November 16, 2022
The latest danger at my parking garage:  that big sign seems to be coming loose from the wall. She`s in a display case now, but not skating yet (see November 14 above). I guess I won`t complain about it being cold in my office. There are lights only at the top, so that`s what you get. It`s cold in the morning now and dark at night, so I have given up riding The Flyer for the next several months.

November 17, 2022
Someday I`ll tell [someone else`s] grandchildren that people used to eat in igloos and they won`t believe me. Celebrate the beauty of life and don`t fear its brevity. What I photograph when it`s 28 degrees. It`s that time of year when I take this shot. The last picture was deliberate.  This one was a mistake.

November 18, 2022
Five feet of snow fell today in New York, so I should probably just relax about the weather here. Somewhere in the lower 48. One of many things I don`t care about:  coffee cup designs. Just as I was about to leave work tonight, there was a power failure and the radio station went off the air. I solved the crisis with a 1990s-era power strip.

November 19, 2022
If he had forgotten about the things on top of the car, this would`ve been a very different photo. The hatchback on my previous car wanted to kill me (see December 31, 2014) but the new one wants to save me. I`m writing a proposal about how great my photos are, but the last thing I want to do is go out and take any. Do I really want to go out in the cold for Shostakovich? Dura 1.5 anos?  Not even un ano.

November 20, 2022
I shot portraits outside last year (see November 20, 2021) but it`s cold today and I just want to stay in. Through that window is my kitchen, and my refrigerator, and the calendar seen in the previous photo. Do you enjoy lassical music? I have wireless headphones to bridge that two-inch gap. No, I`m sorry darling.  We can`t elope.

November 21, 2022
A noisy companion during breakfast. Don`t put your tongue on that. `Tis the season for curling. Men at Work. Not surprisingly, I was the only person down by the riverside this frigid morning.

November 22, 2022
Fall has already been overtaken by winter. At the Urban High Diving Competition. He asked if I was from the newspaper.  I told him I`m just a guy with a camera. I hate it when Christmas lights get all tangled up. It`s just a matter of proper storage.

November 23, 2022
Okay seriously, this is the last day I`m walking to work. My new-used car spent the day getting a spa treatment. I sometimes wonder what people think when they see me taking pictures, but the feeling soon passes. At least it was a nice day in November to walk to work. I took all my daily photos as I walked to work today.

November 24, 2022
My Thanksgiving tradition continues, but with a new car (see November 25, 2021). It would spin when the wind blew, making it seem even more incredibly lifelike. I won`t go to the pond.  There won`t be anything at the pond.  So I went to the pond.  I`m glad I went to the pond. I won`t go in the copse.  There won`t be anything in the copse.  So I went in the copse.  I`m glad I went in the copse. The icy pond creaked and cracked in the warm sun.

November 25, 2022
As if she wasn`t cute enough, she was also hiccuping. People all around me, and I pay attention to the animals. How does this guy make a living the other 11 months? Oh what fun it is to ride in a two-horse open sleigh! Have you met my friend Kris?

November 26, 2022
A constellation of ducks. I guess if I wanted people to pay attention to me, I`d put on a red suit and hand out candy. Downtown activities today included ice skating and bike riding in shorts. I see sea shells down at the river shore. While the Zamboni was on the ice, I had this encounter.

November 27, 2022
Fatigue. Bewilderment. Indignation. Complacency. Disappointment.

November 28, 2022
I climbed the summit of bureaucracy this morning to take the final steps to make my new/old car officially mine. One of the bureaucrats had a sign on her desk that said, `The best thing about my job is that my chair swivels.` My car would be happier if I had an indoor place to park. The best thing about my job is that my chair swivels. Time for a new choir photo (see May 11, 2008, and May 13, 2012).

November 29, 2022
Around 11, I start to think about the possibility of maybe rolling in to work pretty soon. Childhood behind bars. A new angle on the same subject (see November 18 above). Bomb squad at work: I just keep walking the other way. `Tis the season for creepy elves (see November 19, 2021).

November 30, 2022
I regret it has become the norm for people to order lunch or coffee and have it delivered by a low-paid gig worker. The sun told me it was warm outside, but the weather report let me know the sun lied. I have an attraction to refraction. Which silly hat should I wear for a staff photo? Latch broke -- studio door wouldn`t open -- don`t worry -- I made it out alive.