Daily Photos

< April 2021 >

April 1, 2021
Inside the cluttered studio of another artist:  Bing Davis (see March 12, 2021). Twenty-first century Dunbar. This sign has been hanging at the entrance for a year. I outgrew pop decades ago, but people still swill it. Why I`m not allowed to drive through the entrance of my parking garage (see March 25, 2021).

April 2, 2021
Since my parking garage is falling apart, I`ve had to walk through another garage that isn`t (see March 31, 2021). They played `Take Five` and I came running.  Then they played `Country Roads Take Me Home` and I ran away. Oh, that`s what they`re for (see March 28, 2021). Just a typical Friday night in the Oregon District. Crosswalks downtown are dangerous enough without walking into traffic against the light.

April 3, 2021
`Good clean line work.  Design could be more bold.  B+.`  (See February 22, 2021) COEXIST. It`s okay to get a little dirty. Gull lunch. If you have happiness inside, it`s easy to see outside (see November 26, 2020).

April 4, 2021
Sunday in the park. Low altitude. High altitude. Beware of gulls (see April 3 above). I haven`t had any trouble with spring allergies -- so far.

April 5, 2021
Days like today make days like February 16, 2021, bearable. Sliver of sky. We know we belong to the land, and the land we belong to is grand.  OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II Blocked at both ends with nothing going on in the middle -- just like Congress. What a surprise!  I would`ve never looked in the trash.

April 6, 2021
The mean streets of Dayton. Keeping an eye on the parking garage. My most likely cause of death will be a pickup truck (see March 26, 2021). SCIENCE! Thirsty?

April 7, 2021
That drum-shaped building downtown. Important business to attend to. Gull lunch. First floor done . . . moving on up (see March 12, 2021). Progress report:  none (see March 25, 2021).

April 8, 2021
Not good, and plenty. I feel like I need a hub. Is that thunder?  No. The aftermath of March 19, 2021. So always look for the silver lining and try to find the sunny side of life. GEORGE `BUDDY` DESYLVA

April 9, 2021
Out on Fifth makes the Oregon District a more beautiful place (see October 17, 2020). A colorful reminder that this was SUPPOSED to be color guard world championship week (see April 3 - 6, 2019). Ben has been (see September 19, 2020). `Hey, will you take our picture?  Look at that camera!  This guy knows what he`s doing.` If it starts raining again, maybe the people will go away.

April 10, 2021
My first dragonfly photo of the season usually isn`t this coherent (see March 27, 2021). Why be the same when you can be different? A robin sits pluming his ruddy breast, and a madrigal sings to his love in her nest.  PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR You can`t hide from my 200mm lens. A couple of free-range children racing handmade boats in the rain.

April 11, 2021
Spring took the day off. The end of the line. It`s not snow, and I`m grateful. My camera and I were also covered with raindrops. Please patronize Oregon District businesses, but stay out of the neighborhood.  Thanks so much!

April 12, 2021
Betty White came to see my cat-loving neighbor who moved away months ago (see September 27, 2020). Missing duck formation. They were both equally beautiful. He must know somethin` but he don`t say nothin`. He just keeps rollin`, he keeps on rollin` along. JEROME KERN The little town by the river.

April 13, 2021
Some days I`m a nature photographer, but not today. A shot like this is hard since there are wires everywhere. Old, and really old. Fortunately, there was hardly anybody else around. Instead of another tall building, I photographed a bird taking a dirt bath.  I guess I am a nature photographer.

April 14, 2021
A caption would just destroy the mystery. Doggo really wants a goose. Hello darkness, my old friend.  PAUL SIMON There will be ducklings soon. Bloom with a bonus bug.

April 15, 2021
The `environmental issue` of this magazine arrived in a plastic bag. Books that have been on my shelf unread for years are going to be donated, no matter how good they might be. Who wants to wash my dishes? When it`s cold outside, you get pictures inside. I briefly ran out of raspberry tea.  That was scary.

April 16, 2021
A historic home is never finished. In springtime, every day is a gift. A historic home is never finished, but the neighbors wish it would be. People drive past the warning signs, reach the barricades and pull a U-turn (see March 28, 2021). Can you play the blues on a red guitar?

April 17, 2021
Spring is a time for renewal (see March 17, 2021). Sidewalk weavings. I`m not getting on it.  YOU get on it. First day for irises. Obsolescence.

April 18, 2021
The scent fills my nose and the pollen goes in my eyes. Stand out from the crowd. A pair of rambunctious twin boys were nearby climbing (or attacking) a tree.  They said, `We want a picture!` Courtship or conflict, I don`t know, but it was aggressive. I`m ready to see another kind of butterfly (see March 27, 2021).

April 19, 2021
Along the Great Miami River:  bald eagle. Along the Great Miami River:  fledgling killdeer. Along the Great Miami River:  Canada goose. Along the Great Miami River:  red-winged blackbird. Along the Great Miami River:  CareFlight.

April 20, 2021
Set your love free! Tulip festival. Tulipcide. After the flood of 1913, the Great Miami River was widened so it became more like a calm lagoon. Dayton struggles with the new parking spaces (see March 8, 2021).  Did they both put money in the meter?

April 21, 2021
WINTER 7:45am. SPRING 11:45am. Freeze warning! Dayton could make money by enforcing traffic laws. Oh say, can you see?

April 22, 2021
I think someone has been sleeping in the parking garage. Free electricity is appealing to people without a home. It`s always awkward when someone notices me taking their picture. Do you know which way the wind bloweth? Happy to clear some shelf space (see April 15 above).

April 23, 2021
I couldn`t have said it better myself. `RAMMING SPEED!` There was one mother duck and sixteen ducklings. Build a nice new wall, and . . .  . . . someone will just come along and mess it up.

April 24, 2021
April showers bring me frustration. The day in a nutshell. Well, that`s three pictures taken from the porch. The thought crossed my mind a few times. On previous Saturdays in April, I`d take thousands of photos (see April 7, 2019).  Today I barely got five.

April 25, 2021
Excited voice:  `Daddy, do tadpoles make good pets?`  Flat, dull, lifeless, discouraging voice:  `No, they don`t.` A lady told me she was visiting from Mississippi.  I said, `I`m glad you missed the snow.` (See April 21 above) My dragonfly photos are getting less coherent (see April 10 above). The most precious gift on Earth just comes out of the air. Robins, cardinals and bluejays put aside their differences and noisily harassed this hawk until it left the area.

April 26, 2021
In 17th century Holland, certain tulip bulbs were worth as much as a house.  I like tulips a lot -- but not that much. Butterflies in love. This flower looks best now, before it fully blooms. Soaking up the sun. Blossoming trees are the best thing about springtime.

April 27, 2021
The trick is to be there at the right time of day and when the blooms are at their best (see April 21 above). Can summer be far behind? I seem to find the happiness I seek when we`re out together dancing beak to beak. Morning on the river. Sneaking . . . up . . . on . . . the . . . fishes.

April 28, 2021
Springtime in Mordor. You still can`t hide (see April 10 above). Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Springtime in Lothlorien. `Someone always shows up when I`m in the bath!`

April 29, 2021
It was that kind of morning. The new summer interns have arrived. I REALLY want to tell you the name of our Web hosting company, since our site has been down all day. There has been no progress (see April 7 above), and people are getting tired of the barricades (see April 1). I would be happy to work all day and all night, so I`m forcing myself to sit on the couch and listen to music.

April 30, 2021
He`s not an evil person.  He`s just doing his job (see March 26, 2021), but I wish there was no such job.  Today I walked to work so I could avoid the roadblocks. She`s not jaywalking -- she`s jayrolling. I felt a lot of emotions just being part of a crowd once again, and hearing the UD fight song played full blast. I ran along streets, sidewalks, alleys, and a parking garage, but I kept up with them and got good shots. Fifteen years later, DVAC has a new name and a new home (see January 14, 2006).