Daily Photos

< January 2021 >

January 1, 2021
This is definitely the worst photo I`ve taken all year. It was a soggy and subdued New Year`s Day. I despise cats, but at least they don`t poop in my yard. Where maraschino cherries come from. I took this photo and I still don`t know what it is.

January 2, 2021
The city of Dayton in a parking lot. Reflections on St. Joseph. Economic stimulus. Welcome. Another meeting of the Adam Alonzo Fan Club (see April 30, 2005; August 5, 2008; May 21, 2013; July 8, 2014; and September 28, 2017).

January 3, 2021
On a warmer day, this cardinal would`ve flown away. And that`s the way it is, Sunday, January 3, 2021. Layers. A bad picture of a mockingbird is still pretty good. Near the center is the year I was born.

January 4, 2021
Candyland. The heartbreak of psoriasis. Working late at the office. I`m here for the candy. Hmm, the spaghetti still seems a bit too firm.

January 5, 2021
Beware the dreaded pink cephalopod. Humans throw trash in the garbage can in my garage, then SOMETHING pulls it out (see November 18, 2020). Day 5.  So far, so good. The only way to travel. A picture of desperation.

January 6, 2021
Keeping an eye on Main Street. I walked a long way to find good pictures, and came back with this. This time of year . . . well . . . the river smells bad. Maybe this photo will be used on a CD cover someday (see February 6, 2015). Earth, air and water.

January 7, 2021
Let`s hope the guy in front knows where he`s going. Thinking about the past. Thinking about the future. This is the best the garden could give me in January. A slice of the Metropolitan Arts Center.

January 8, 2021
No matter what the task, there`s a YouTube video for it. Wear a mask to church, to the bar and everywhere in between (see December 5 and 6, 2020). Urban texture. Dayton Live is trying to weather the storm. A weak attempt at recreating July 2, 2009.

January 9, 2021
The year 2020 was hard because I didn`t get any Girl Scout cookies.  I wasn`t going to let that happen again. I knew this was going to happen.  The mystery deepens (see December 5, 2020). A good photograph (like good writing) is uncluttered. You can`t stand in the grass without a mask. The goal in life is to keep getting new stuff so you can throw out the old stuff.

January 10, 2021
Tree on a wall. Fish on a wall. The package was already opened, for my convenience. I spent most of the day recording and editing my voice, and I`m really not all that interesting to listen to. Large quantities of raspberry tea were consumed.

January 11, 2021
Don`t leave the barn door open. Ring the bell.  The door`s locked. Carry music around wherever you go. Every few years I buy myself things. My fluffy new towels are almost too big for the closet.

January 12, 2021
Deluxe accommodations. I could park in a nice garage, for twice the monthly fee. Photos taken at night indicate desperation on my part. In the shadows, even a saint looks suspicious. You saw her here on October 27, 2019.

January 13, 2021
Why I always walk quietly through the park. There were flowers here not long ago. There were bumblebees here not long ago. I still take pictures every day, but do they really count if they aren`t any good?  I`ll do better when spring comes. There were birds too, but pine cones hold still.

January 14, 2021
Togetherness. This gull did not welcome my company. Cracks, not tracks, in the mud. He waved at my camera, and then wheeled into traffic. Cracks, not scratches, in the adhesive label.

January 15, 2021
And you thought it was cold where you work. Reflections on Courthouse Square. Two things everyone needs:  water and sunlight. What we`ve got here is failure to communicate. COOL HAND LUKE This is the AFTER picture (see November 12, 2020).

January 16, 2021
The mockingbird posed better this time (see January 3 above). I approached quietly to avoid scaring it off. You`re being watched. This is good weather to hibernate through. What happened here?  I`m stumped.

January 17, 2021
Sweet dreams attend thee in thy sleep, To soothe thy rest till morning`s light, And angels round thee vigil keep. Goodnight, my love, goodnight, goodnight. Goodnight by PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR

January 18, 2021
And then my other windshield wiper fell apart (see December 28, 2020). This heron did not welcome my company. You can`t outrun winter. Can you guess what it is?  Starts with a T. It seems some things would be hard to lose.

January 19, 2021
Pick up a brochure about all of the arts events going on. Like Spiderman, I hang around rooftops a lot. Schuster schadows. The wicked white wraith of winter. I`ll never know why the dog was wearing just one sock.

January 20, 2021
Somehow we`ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn`t broken but simply unfinished. We are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn`t mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge a union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man. We will rebuild, reconcile, and recover in every known nook of our nation.  In every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge. There is always light if only we`re brave enough to see it, if only we`re brave enough to be it. `The Hill We Climb` by AMANDA GORMAN

January 21, 2021
I was happy to see that the time was correct. Winter.  It`s pointless. Good idea.  Fly away to someplace warm. And then these people pulled over to ask me where the eagles are.  If I knew that, would I be shooting geese? The little town by the river.

January 22, 2021
Nothing could be finer than a crisis that is minor in the morning. CHARLES OSGOOD Only 187 more windows to replace in this building. Office morale has already begun to decline (see January 4 above). Musical optimism. You are here.

January 23, 2021
Look up, and remember your place in the universe. Keeping an eye on the Oregon District. Other people`s photo shoots. Nearly any photo taken during winter is good enough. I despise things that are fake.

January 24, 2021

January 25, 2021
Remembering better days (see May 16, 2015). Snacks are everywhere. The type of picture I take when it`s sleeting outside. How much time I have to REMAIN before I can EJECT. The cold and wet walk to the parking garage.

January 26, 2021
No safety harness, but he does have a cigarette. A cold and wet Tuesday. I found the eagles (see January 21 above). My computer died, so I had to fall back on old methods. Anyone who says `America is the richest country in the world` should talk to the guy who pushes this cart.

January 27, 2021
My computer died, so I had to fall back on old methods. It hasn`t been a big year for ice skating. Strawberry and banana? Put a coat on kid, or you`ll get frozen solid. The most dangerous thing I do is cross the street.

January 28, 2021
Still at work (see January 26 above). Keeping an eye on downtown (see August 3, 2020). The first sign of spring. My computer died, so I had to find other things to do. January photos rarely make my Top Shots of the Year.

January 29, 2021
On a cold Friday afternoon, I had the park all to myself. It was bright and sunny, but cold and windy. That`s where I used to park (see May 30 and June 27, 2014). I can`t wait to see surfers out here again. Waiting for things to change?  Be the change!

January 30, 2021
Insulation. They found they were looking at a most extraordinary face. `The Two Towers` by J. R. R. TOLKIEN This tree is always busy with birds. Nothing but the latest hits. We`re supposed to get big snow tonight.

January 31, 2021
I may just wait for the snow on my car to melt -- in April. Maybe a hot tub would be better than a bath today. I should be inside where it`s warm and dry. That`s one small sploosh for man. It`s important to have the proper footwear for winter (see January 9 above).