Daily Photos

< February 2020 >

February 1, 2020
Looks like a Crusader to me. And the game continued this way, with Dayton Christian just a little behind. High school boys experience a lot of rejection. R-E-B-O-U-N-D! D-E-F-E-N-S-E! D-O-U-B-L-E T-E-A-M T-H-E B-A-L-L H-A-N-D-L-E-R! There`s still plenty of room for me in the Hall of Fame.

February 2, 2020
Carroll Patriots. Franklin Wildcats. Bellbrook Eagles. Centerville Elks. Carlisle Indians.

February 3, 2020
I`ve never had a heron fly TOWARD me before.  It landed close by and didn`t seem to be afraid of me. I hope a bunch of people don`t come and scare it away.  Oh . . . well. Insert SPLOOSH sound effect. This bird didn`t seem to be afraid of me either. Autumn finds its way to the fourth floor of my garage.

February 4, 2020
I went to a dance performance, but no photos were allowed, so you get a rainy night in downtown Dayton. Did I say rainy night?  That`s not rain. Fractal Rain by Terry Welker (see May 10, 2018). From the library balcony. From the front seat of my car.

February 5, 2020
On days like this, it`s useful to mention that I`ve now taken photos for 5,734 days in a row. How many days in a row have YOU taken pictures? And how many photos did YOU take today? Babe Ruth didn`t hit a home run every at bat. I could`ve photographed another junior college basketball game tonight (see January 29, 2020), but somehow a banana seemed more interesting.

February 6, 2020
Kelli sings. Eddie walks. Keigo comps. Lee swings. Gary and Grant play.

February 7, 2020
WARNING:  winter isn`t finished yet. Stealthy. I`m all about the selfies. Even the river has goosebumps. His teeth were chattering.

February 8, 2020
Sinclair managed to hold onto their lead this time (see January 25, 2020). The visiting team drove all the way from Solon to get beat by 30. The outcome of the game was never in doubt. I planned to shoot basketball, but not indoor softball.  I never knew there was such a thing as indoor softball. This softball tournament will go for more than twelve hours, and the yellow team will play four games.

February 9, 2020
Pretty picture.  I hate winter. I`m getting ready to teach a photography workshop. Workshop participants will take a picture of this and discover their cameras have been lying to them. Which would be worse:  accidentally brushing your teeth with hand lotion, or rubbing toothpaste on your hands? I don`t drink coffee, pop or alcohol.  But don`t take away my juice.

February 10, 2020
This talented writer from Dayton died at 33 years old. This window is inspired by a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar. Despite cold rain, a group of devoted Dunbareans laid a wreath on his grave this morning. There were songs, prayers and recitations. Paul`s mother Matilda was also remembered today.

February 11, 2020
A dangerous door in my creepy parking garage. What I see every weekday at 6:10pm. And now at 6:30, it isn`t dark. Window shopping. Fifth Street style.

February 12, 2020
A lawsuit waiting to happen. Happy birthday, Abraham Lincoln. Let`s all go through the red light. Ineffective measures. The fifth picture of the day often has a desperate air.

February 13, 2020
.renniD If there`s a TV in the room, this is where I sit. I can`t take pictures of the ballet, so you get this instead. Running to the theatre when it`s 18 degrees. February:  when three tubes of hand lotion are needed.

February 14, 2020
I recently heard some custodians whispering about a rebrand of the building where I work.  Now the signs on the walls have disappeared.  Custodians know stuff. Holly & Emily live on the gram. This event is worth going out in 12 degree weather for. Everybody wants to be there and they`re all having fun. People laugh the hardest when their canoe finally sinks.

February 15, 2020
Climbing out of winter, one cold day at a time. Holly & Emily live on the stage (see February 14 above). Close encounters with a turtle. Large birds seem to follow Holly & Emily (see October 5, 2019). Close encounters with a reptile.

February 16, 2020
Everything inside me got better as soon as I saw this. The early bee gets the pollen. And then . . . a crocodile attacked. Fortunately Peter Pan saved the day. In the icy depths.

February 17, 2020
Presidents Day car wash.  Not much else to do. I hope that stuff rinses off. Pine trees grow pine cones, which fall onto the ground.  And then they`re thrown away.  Sorry, no new pine trees. Yesterday was like spring.  Today winter made a comeback. They buried nuts in the fall, and now they have to dig them up and noisily gnaw through them.

February 18, 2020
Oumuamua finally landed (see March 20, 2019). On the rocks. Canada awaits.  You`re welcome to fly home.  Anytime. The city is named for Jonathan Dayton, though he didn`t discover it.  He never even set foot in the area. Lines, natural and unnatural.

February 19, 2020
I traveled many miles in this pool.  Never got anywhere. Where I spent too much of my freshman year in college. Another winter Wednesday tipoff.  Much better than taking pictures of a banana (see February 5 above). College guys experience rejection too (see February 1 above). When they send in a guy off the bench with 20 seconds left in the half, you know he`s supposed to foul.

February 20, 2020
A scene from Genesis, in case you didn`t recognize it. Joseph in prison in Egypt. Pharaoh has a disturbing dream. Benjamin, Jacob`s second-favorite son. The story of Joseph and his brothers turns out happily.

February 21, 2020
Sunny and cold, but no rain or snow.  I can`t complain. It`s never too late to take a new direction. This is much bigger than you think it is. You`re a bird and you survived another day of winter.  Congratulations. Why settle for one bird when you can have three?

February 22, 2020
Kuumba Drama Drum Dance performs at the 2nd Street Market. It was a busy day and the market was packed. It was a cold day to dance barefoot. Each one teach one. After the dancing, there were readings of Dunbar poems like `We Wear the Mask.`

February 23, 2020
Sunday in the Oregon District. Tiffany Clark`s amazing mural (see October 8, 2019). I can`t argue with that. Other people`s photo shoots. Have you considered a gluten-free diet?

February 24, 2020
A hungry squirrel hops eagerly toward the giant peanut. Sacred meets secular. Cut down in the prime of life. I`m not the only person taking pictures of the peanut. Me on Monday nights from 8 - 11pm (see July 1, 2019).

February 25, 2020
A four-day ordeal. Several hundred dollars. And lots of walking in the cold rain. So you`re going to look at my new tires, and you`re going to APPRECIATE them. And you will show RESPECT for my spare tire.

February 26, 2020
My morning got off to a blurry start. Coffee drinkers and cigarette smokers make the world a more beautiful place (see February 21, 2018, and December 7, 2007). The embarrassment of dandruff. Did you see that movie `Parasite`? Apples drink up the sun, and I drink up apples.

February 27, 2020
The Big, Bright Green Photo Machine. The secret to successful green screen photos is to avoid wrinkles. This month`s photos seem to be a lot like last February.  Perhaps I`m in a rut (see February 15, 2019). How household fatalities happen. I`m annoyed that this battery died.  It`s not even March.

February 28, 2020
Donate to my radio station and we`ll give you stuff. There are two CareSource buildings a couple of blocks apart in downtown Dayton, but no tunnel between them. Slip slidin` toward spring. These gulls were close, but only because of conflict. Look, it`s snow.  I hate snow.

February 29, 2020
A boring test shot in my living room. A boring test shot in the location where I spent many hours. A much less boring test shot. I asked him to show me some intensity. Today reminded me a lot of February 16, 2019.